
Outsourcing program development services offered
✔ Program/course development: turn-key solutions
✔ Original turn-key business education content/materials
✔ Custom business case studies/management training manuals
✔ Localizing management training materials - Japan/elsewhere
✔ Updating/re-editing of existing business training materials
✔ Online business training content for distance-based learning
✔ Business education program/course facilitation/instruction
General information
CEO message
We at Denscombe Corporation have long believed in the importance of lifelong business education and training, either through internal corporate training programs or external business schools or individual business education on-your-own. Empowering business professionals with better skills creates synergistic value for everyone and enhances the individual career experience, especially in our modern and more mobile technology-focused world. In this context, time is perhaps the most precious commodity in one’s professional life and matching the right career development to meet the right learning goals is a critical success factor to add the most value to the career enhancement process.
On the other hand, our CEO has also come to realize the critically important role that the business education materials themselves play in maximizing the value added of the training itself, and that the best education materials are those developed specifically for the objectives of the training program itself. Interestingly, at one point, he became one of the biggest purchasers of Harvard Business School (HBS) case studies in Japan – many will know that HBS is the world’s largest provider of management materials, especially case studies. Frankly, however, these text-based case studies tend to be difficult and not so interesting to “read” in our multimedia age, and (in the case of Japanese/Asian business education) perhaps not focused enough on the learning needs of typical young business professionals.
In discussing this with HBS dean Jay Light – a wonderful and accomplished man – our CEO encountered stakeholder resistance about changing this this situation. This was a key trigger that made our CEO start creating original case study and other business education materials for corporate/education clients and Denscombe Corporation training programs.
outsourcing strategic program provider
So, as an outsourced strategic program provider, what we at Denscombe Corporation can offer for business education clients are totally original materials, not just re-labeled and re-packaged materials or materials copied off the Internet, like many training companies offer.
For business schools, we can put together turnkey program materials, from case studies to business training manuals to PowerPoint explanations/reviews to teaching notes for instructors:
Full-time business course sample for use in the executive management program for European managers at the Waseda University School of Commerce in Tokyo.
Business school courses developed/facilitated for the “open school” MBA-like program at CICOM Brains in Tokyo:
Sample course developed/facilitated: STRATEGY (Jan-Mar 2011)
Strategy course introduction by Nigel Denscombe
Sample student learning from this strategy course – 2 case studies:
Other samples of open school courses developed/facilitated at CICOM Brains:
Business Plan Development course syllabus.pdf
Financial Management course syllabus.pdf
Business Simulation course syllabus.pdf
Essential Problem Solving course syllabus.pdf
Advanced Problem Solving course syllabus.pdf
Competitive Strategy Analysis course syllabus.pdf
Strategic Business Planning course syllabus.pdf
All of these customized materials are developed with a careful understanding of the different audience/customer needs in each particular situation. These materials can also be continuously updated, to keep them current, which is another service offered. Of course, we can facilitate any course as well!
Nigel Denscombe
Denscombe Corporation
for business schools
2) Outsourcing business for program development
Outsourcing strategic program provider for turn-key course development for business schools, original content creation, and course facilitation
Outsourcing business for course/program development, turnkey management education courses, original customized business education content creation in various media from case studies to management skill-based instruction manuals to function-based textbooks and course facilitation/instruction, in a wide range of management areas from strategy/business planning to capital markets to global leadership to business communications
Nigel Denscombe with former Waseda School of Commerce ETP Programme business plan students at the graduation reception in Tokyo
Copyright © 2011 Denscombe Corporation